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The Three Questions Every Service Contractor Website Must Answer To Win Business

Make sure your website answers these three questions:

  • What services do you offer and what makes them unique?
  • How much do your services cost and what value do I get for my money?
  • What do your past customers say about their experience?

Prospective customers want to make sure that you perform the service they need, in the location they need it, and that they’re not going to get cheated. 

Even as AI continues to change search, the answers to these universal questions will keep your site competitive online.


How Do I Know If My Site Is Answering These Three Questions?

The easiest way to be sure you have complete, helpful answers on your site is to read it like you would if you were shopping for something. Do not read your site like a salesperson/business owner. While all of your materials should show your business in the best light possible, it’s important to set a realistic picture from the beginning.

Here are important things to consider when answering each of the three questions on your site. 

The image is a vibrant graphic with a blue background, promoting a message for businesses. The central text reads, "3 QUESTIONS EVERY WEBSITE MUST ANSWER TO WIN BUSINESS," written in bold white letters. Above the text, there is a small banner with the phrases "YOU ASK US." and "WE ANSWER." Below this, a person is depicted holding a phone, from which three floating text boxes emerge, symbolizing questions or information. The bottom corners of the image feature yellow diagonal stripes, adding a dynamic element to the design.


1. What services do you offer and what makes them unique?

This is another way of saying, “Does your business perform the work I need?” Often, this is the only question that a site will answer. 

It’s important that you don’t stop listing your services. You need to make sure that people know what you do that makes your services different than your competitors. 

Are you using special technology that other competitors don’t? Do you have a lowest-price guarantee? Do your techs talk like pirates during the service call? Whatever your differentiator is, be sure that it’s included when you answer the question of what services you provide.

People are also checking if you work where they live. That’s why, at LeadsNearby, all of our websites feature dynamic service area pages. We’ll talk more about this in reviews and expectations below.


2. How much do your services cost and what value do I get for my money?

This is usually the scariest thing for businesses to include, but this information is becoming more important every day. Remember, you’re looking at a website as the consumer and not as the owner. 

According to recent data, 85% of consumers expect to see pricing details on a website. This is critical for building trust, which makes purchasing decisions easier for new customers. 

Hidden or difficult-to-find pricing can lead to frustration and people clicking off your site.  

Again, you have probably experienced this yourself when shopping online. How many times have you closed out a window after putting an item in your cart only to discover unexpected fees when you go to check out? That is normal behavior and one that your prospects are trying to protect themselves from.

Granted, there are unique factors on every job that affect price. However, addressing price ranges on your site is usually enough for people to feel confident that they are not going to be taken advantage of. 

Once again, make sure that you are including your differentiator in the pricing language so people understand the full value of your products and services. This is your chance to explain why you charge as much–or as little–as you do.


3. What do your past customers say about their experience?

Reviews, star ratings, and other measurements of satisfaction are the bare minimum that consumers have come to expect. One of the reasons that people feel comforted by these numbers is because they are verified by a 3rd party. 

Gone are the days when you could just put a few testimonials up on a testimonial page and consider yourself trustworthy. You need verified reviews.

Using Nearby Now on your website not only makes the review process easier for your techs, but also adds fresh, optimized content to your website on a regular basis. 

Google looks very favorably on pages that are updated regularly. 

Nearby Now dynamically creates location-specific pages each time a technician does a Checkin to a new city. These local, SEO-focused pages are another way to increase trust with both search engines and human searchers. 

This dynamic method is far superior to the classic list of cities you work in on your site.

As an example, picture that you have five service techs in the field each day, working for three different customers; 

  • That’s 15 separate service calls your team is performing for clients every day. 
  • In a month, that’s 300 service calls. 
  • Over the course of a year that’s 3,500+ service calls. 

Instead of having a list of cities in plain text, now you have something much more valuable.

With Nearby Now on your site from LeadsNearby, we can help you harness all this up-to-date information to create better search results and demonstrate your experience. 

Contact us to learn about all of the ways LeadsNearby can help your home service business. Whether you have a single truck or an entire fleet, we have the tools you need to grow your business.


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