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Nearby Now Reports

How To Access And Schedule Delivery Of Nearby Now Reports 



Nearby Now reports cover a wide variety of areas. Once you create the reports, you can send them to your clients or other team members.

We will start by making sure we have the proper people listed under the Correspondence Email List. This will make it a lot faster to send these reports to the people who need to see them. You can find that information under Account Settings > Profile. 

If you scroll down within your profile, you’ll see Correspondence Email List. This is where you list all the email addresses of the people you want to receive the reports. People listed as Admin Users can already access the reports, so this is just for people who are not listed as Admin Users already. You’ll add email addresses here and if you want to add multiple email addresses, you can add them with a comma between the email addresses. Just be sure to SAVE YOUR CHANGES once you are finished adding email addresses.


  • Reports > Dashboard

On this left sidebar, you should see the Report section. Clicking on Reports will reveal a few options beneath it. The first one is Dashboard.

This Dashboard is going to show you two things: It’s going to be your Nearby Now dashboard as well as your Google dashboard. 

Under Nearby Now you can see:

  • The number of Checkins that have been done over the lifetime of your account.
  • How many photos have been added.
  • If you’ve posted any videos.
  • How many cities you’ve worked in.
  • How many review requests have been sent.
  • The number of completed reviews.
  • Your conversion rate.
  • Your average rating.

The Google report is based on your Google Business Profile. If you have more than one, there is an option for you to toggle between each profile to see the different ratings and growth, including a pie chart with a breakdown of your ratings along with your review growth. 

Your report will show your review growth from the lifetime of your business profile being active. You can also see Top Search Keyword Cloud which will show various keywords that people are using when searching for your services as well as the types of keywords that cause your business to pop up. There is also Search Keyword List, which is an even bigger list of the other keywords. This is a great indicator because it’s going to tell you what types of keywords you should probably be using in your Checkins, which will be a huge boost for your SEO.


  • Reports > Catalog

This is merely a list of the different types of reports you can create.

You can do a report for Google Reviews, Google Review Leaderboard, Keyword Impressions, Daily Metrics, and other things along those lines. You can also run Nearby Now reports from here. There is also a Checkins list, if you’re curious to know how well your team’s doing on Checkins, but don’t want to worry about logging in to Nearby Now each time. We can set this up to be a daily, weekly, or monthly report that gets sent to you and any other team members you want to be included. This way, you can see the list of Checkins being done.

There are new reports under the Performance section. 

City Activity: That will show you how many cities you serviced during a certain time period. Simply adjust the dates and it will show you if you’ve added any new cities during that period.


  • Reports > Reviews

When you click on Reviews, everything that appears beneath that is referring to Nearby Now reviews:

  • Team Requests.
  • Request List.
  • Completed List.
  • Leaderboard.
  • Customers.
  • Ratings. 

Let’s say you want to create a report for the Request List. Clicking on Request List will bring you to a screen with information on it. You can adjust the date range above to get the timeperiod you want to know about. Once you have this, you can see the number of review requests that were sent, which ones have been opened and which have been responded to. 

You can schedule this report from this screen by clicking on Schedule

I’ve named mine “Review Request Report” and set it to go out on a weekly basis. I like to make it interactive so you can click around on it. You can also do a PDF or CSV, but interactive is probably easier to read. If you set your lists up earlier, then the email will go to Admins and Correspondents by default. If you’d rather do a custom list, select that and add the addresses in the box.

Once you are happy with your distribution lists, click Schedule and it will be scheduled. 


  • Reports > Scheduled

If you need to go back and make edits to the report you scheduled, or if you want to change who the report is going to (maybe you added or lost a team member), click on the Scheduled section to find your scheduled report.

You simply click into it to make those edits, whether it’s to the report itself or to the people who will get the report. You can even adjust how often you want those sent out.


  • Reports > Google

This is where you can go through the Google reviews that you’ve received. You can even respond to those reviews from here.

There’s a new feature that you can access from here that we will cover in a different video, but basically, this will let you assign a review to a specific technician. This is good because all of those reviews will pop up on the same page, the same as how Nearby Now reviews automatically generate on the city page representing where a Checkin was done.

This menu also gives you access to the Google versions of your Leaderboard, Keyword Impression. and your Daily Metrics.


  • Reports > Checkins

This menu will show you the Team Checkins and the Checkins list. 

The Checkins list will show you all of the Checkins that have been done during your specified date range. It is also a place where you can edit any Checkins if you need to. 

Once you are satisfied, again, you can click Schedule in this screen to schedule your report. 


  • Reports > Plugin Activity

The most valuable option here allows you to see the different Checkins by city on a daily basis. 


  • Reports > Performance

Here you can see Checkins by city, as well as New Cities added to your site from Nearby Now.


Are Nearby Now Reports Easy To Create?

Yes! Nearby Now reports are easy to create and easy to edit. The main reports cover most information that you’d want to see and/or schedule. 

I hope you found this information helpful. If you have any questions about any of our products, please feel free to reach out to us at 919-758-8420 .

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